МультиязычностьRU, EN, BG
An advanced and being evolving map change system. You can set everything from the ini file without interfering with any plugin. If there are things that can be added, you can give your opinion.
Attention, you need to disable them
PreHud [Hudmessage to show maps before map chooser] (can be turned off in .ini)

Map Menu

Weather Menu (can be turned off in .ini)
Weather Menu (can be turned off in .ini)

An advanced and being evolving map change system. You can set everything from the ini file without interfering with any plugin. If there are things that can be added, you can give your opinion.
Attention, you need to disable them
PreHud [Hudmessage to show maps before map chooser] (can be turned off in .ini)

Map Menu

Weather Menu (can be turned off in .ini)

Weather Menu (can be turned off in .ini)

- You can setup more easily by installing less plugins. Also, you can set all settings in .ini file. You do not have to edit the scripting.
- There is a pre-hud event that allows us to see sequentially which maps will be in vote before the map voting starts.
- There is a weather voting. The chosen weather condition is activated on the other map and its name appears at the end of the map's name. e.g. "de_dust2[snow]"
- say /rtv - Vote to start map chooser.
- say /maps - Shows played maps.
- say nextmap - Shows nextmap
- say currentmap - Shows currentmap
- say timeleft - Shows time left
- say thetime - Show the real time