AMX 1.8.2 AMX 1.9.0 AMX 1.10.0 OciXCrom's Admin Chat v4.2

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A new and improved version of the default admin chat plugin that comes with its own configuration file that grants you full control over how the admin commands work, with a few added benefits and extra options.

  • Colored messages (with the ability to restore the original ones).
  • Ability to modify every single message.
  • Shortcuts for a more simple usage of the commands.
  • A console command for the admin chat (say_team @).
  • Console commands for all different HUD positions (say @/@@/@@@/@@@@).
  • Ability to send a message on the right side of the screen.
  • Ability to type in different colors.
  • Admins can read other players' private messages.
  • Added a sound when a player receives a private message.
  • Ability to set a different sound for each message type.
  • Ability to send DHUD messages.
  • Ability to send anonymous messages that don't include the sender's name.
  • Ability to change the effect in (D)HUD messages.
  • Random color when sending a (D)HUD message.
  • A new command to send a message to a specific team.
  • A new command to send center chat-style messages.
  • Ability to select the default (D)HUD message color.
  • Ability to change the (D)HUD message time.
  • Ability to use prefixes and option from other supported plugins.
  • A config file for quick and easy plugin configuration with a command for a instant reload.
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  • amx_say <message> - (All Chat) Sends a message to all players.
    • Shortcut: say #<message>
    • Default flag: "i"
  • amx_asay <message> - (Admin Chat) Sends a message to all admins. The prefix depends on your admin level - admins get (ADMIN), VIPs (any flag) get (VIP) and normal players get a (PLAYER) prefix. All these prefixes can be changed in the configuration file.
    • Shortcut: say_team @<message>
    • Default flag: all players can use the command, but only the ones with flag "e" can read the messages
  • amx_chat <message> - (VIP Chat) Sends a message to all VIP users (players with any flag).
    • Shortcut: say_team !<message>
    • Default flag: "i"
  • amx_psay <player> <message> - (Private Message) Sends a private message to a player. The player also hears a sound, so he can pay attention to the received message.
    • Shortcut: say_team #<player> <message>
    • Default flag: players with flag "i" have access to the command, and players with flag "d" can read other players' messages
  • amx_tsay <color> <message> - (Left HUD) Sends a HUD message on the left side of the screen.
    • Shortcut: say @<color> <message>
    • Default flag: "i"
  • amx_csay <color> <message> - (Center HUD) Sends a HUD messagе on top of the screen.
    • Shortcut: say @@<color> <message>
    • Default flag: "i"
  • amx_bsay <color> <message> - (Bottom HUD) Sends a HUD message on the bottom of the screen..
    • Shortcut: say @@@<color> <message>
    • Default flag: "i"
  • amx_rsay <color> <message> - (Right HUD) Sends a HUD message on the right side of the screen..
    • Shortcut: say @@@@<color> <message>
    • Default flag: "i"
  • amx_tsay2 <color> <message> - (Left DHUD) Sends a DHUD message on the left side of the screen.
    • Shortcut: say &<color> <message>
    • Default flag: "d"
  • amx_csay2 <color> <message> - (Center DHUD) Sends a DHUD message on top of the screen.
    • Shortcut: say &&<color> <message>
    • Default flag: "d"
  • amx_bsay2 <color> <message> - (Bottom DHUD) Sends a DHUD message on the bottom of the screen.
    • Shortcut: say &&&<color> <message>
    • Default flag: "d"
  • amx_rsay2 <color> <message> - (Right DHUD) Sends a DHUD message on the right side of the screen.
    • Shortcut: say &&&&<color> <message>
    • Default flag: "d"
  • amx_teamsay <team> <message> - (Team Say) Sends a message to a specific team (you can use
    • Shortcut: say_team &<team> <message>
    • Default flag: Players with flag "i" can use the command and those with flag "d' can read other teams' messages.
  • amx_centersay <message> - (Center Say) Sends a chat-syle message to all players in the center of the screen.
    • Shortcut: say !<message>
    • Default flag: "i"
  • ac_reload - Reloads the configuration file. Note: modifying sounds will take effect on mapchange.
    • Default flag: "l"
First release
Last update
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