tools DepotDownloader 2.7.4

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.NET Core 2.x
Утилита для загрузки depots (шифрованные файлы с контрольными суммами и списком файлов игр), использующий библиотеку SteamKit2.
Поддержка .NET и Mono

Позволяет выкачать нужные файлы, зная их
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Downloading one or all depots for an app
dotnet DepotDownloader.dll -app <id> [-depot <id> [-manifest <id>]] [-username <username> [-password <password>]] [other options]

For example: dotnet DepotDownloader.dll -app 730 -depot 731 -manifest 7617088375292372759

Downloading a workshop item using pubfile id
dotnet DepotDownloader.dll -app <id> -pubfile <id> [-username <username> [-password <password>]]

For example: dotnet DepotDownloader.dll -app 730 -pubfile 1885082371

Downloading a workshop item using ugc id
dotnet DepotDownloader.dll -app <id> -ugc <id> [-username <username> [-password <password>]]

For example: dotnet DepotDownloader.dll -app 730 -ugc 770604181014286929

-app <#>the AppID to download.
-depot <#>the DepotID to download.
-manifest <id>manifest id of content to download (requires -depot, default: current for branch).
-ugc <#>the UGC ID to download.
-beta <branchname>download from specified branch if available (default: Public).
-betapassword <pass>branch password if applicable.
-all-platformsdownloads all platform-specific depots when -app is used.
-os <os>the operating system for which to download the game (windows, macos or linux, default: OS the program is currently running on)
-osarch <arch>the architecture for which to download the game (32 or 64, default: the host's architecture)
-all-languagesdownload all language-specific depots when -app is used.
-language <lang>the language for which to download the game (default: english)
-lowviolencedownload low violence depots when -app is used.
-pubfile <#>the PublishedFileId to download. (Will automatically resolve to UGC id)
-username <user>the username of the account to login to for restricted content.
-password <pass>the password of the account to login to for restricted content.
-remember-passwordif set, remember the password for subsequent logins of this user.
-dir <installdir>the directory in which to place downloaded files.
-filelist <file.txt>a list of files to download (from the manifest). Can optionally use regex to download only certain files.
-validateInclude checksum verification of files already downloaded
-manifest-onlydownloads a human readable manifest for any depots that would be downloaded.
-cellid <#>the overridden CellID of the content server to download from.
-max-servers <#>maximum number of content servers to use. (default: 8).
-max-downloads <#>maximum number of chunks to download concurrently. (default: 4).
-loginid <#>a unique 32-bit integer Steam LogonID in decimal, required if running multiple instances of DepotDownloader concurrently.
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